Our services include


Our interventions are tailor-made on the following subjects:

“Open, honest communication is the best foundation for any relationship, but remember that at the end of the day it’s not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most. In order for someone to feel good about a relationship, they must know that the other person truly cares about them, both personally and professionally.”

— Tony Hsieh

When developing and maintaining a corporate culture, it is vital to keep communication as open and honest as possible. Employees that are encouraged to share their concerns and ideas openly enjoy a greater sense of purpose which results in lower turnover and higher employee satisfaction.

The higher the level of honesty the higher the likelihood of creating a strong relationship built on trust. When managers communicate more with their employees, especially about their ambitions, strengths and concerns, they’re more likely to feel valued, resulting in higher levels of engagement. This strongly accounts for the interactions between managers and employees but also prominently between co-workers themselves. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, famously translates this into one of Zappos’ core values “Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication”.

During our missions, we strongly focus on the relationships at all levels of the company as well as the internal communication between all the co-workers as well as the communication with all external parties, especially the client communication. The way people communicate  within an organisation, says a lot about their health and wellbeing status. A healthy communication is vital for any organisation’s sustainability.

“”As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

– Bill Gates

How many people trust their managers? A recent study by Edelman found that one in three employees don’t trust their employer. Another study by EY found that number to be even lower, with only 46% having trust in their organisation, and 49% in their boss/team. Trust is one of the most important things you need in the workplace. Without it you won’t have the environment you need for an effective feedback culture to grow. So how can you help close the trust gap between employees and managers?

We have developed a Leadership program, based on the challenges of the new organisations and what a manager needs to acquire as skills in order to lead efficient and innovative teams. This program is composed of 10 modules of 2 days training for each module and 10 individual coaching sessions for each participant.

“I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn’t just one aspect of the game, it is the game. In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value.”

– Louis Gerstner, IBM

Culture affects every aspect of a company, from the public’s perception of the brand to the employees’ job satisfaction. In a fast moving world, it’s important that the corporate culture is adaptable and open to improvement – which starts with being able to articulate just what kind of culture your company has.

While never two cultures are exactly the same, there are defining characteristics that tend to place organizational cultures into different categories or types. Often, the industry of a company will dictate its culture to some degree, but that doesn’t mean that culture can’t be changed. Thankfully, culture is not static, but rather evolving.

The company culture that has the most wellbeing benefits for employees is the « Team-first » corporate culture. Companies that go for this type, hire for culture fit first, skills and experience being only second on the list of criteria for recruitment.

The top priority of a company with a team-first corporate culture is to make employees happy. The staff has frequently the opportunity to openly give their opinion and to provide meaningful feedback and they have flexibility in accommodating their family lives. Netflix is a great example for such a company : They have recently decided to offer unlimited family leave to employees, leaving them the autonomy to decide what’s right for them.

The leaders of such a « liberated » company know happy employees make happier customers. Any service-focused company should go for this company culture as it is proven that employees are more likely to be satisfied with their work and eager to show their gratitude by going the extra mile for customers.

The change of the culture of a company starts « Top down » and each and every member of the Leadership team has to buy in with the new values and live them every day in order to issue the right message to the employees.

“”Managing health, work and wellbeing is the responsibility of both the employer and the employee.”

– OSHA Europe

Occupational health promotion aims to improve the health of the individual through workplace measures that reinforce factors that have a positive effect on health and reduce risk factors for morbidity. It concerns health in general and lifestyle as well as occupational health problems and workers’ health behaviour.

While striving to enable people to better control and improve their health, it develops measures at the company level that are designed to increase the effectiveness of occupational health promotion or, more directly, to improve individual health through the measures that each individual takes to protect his or others’ health. By improving their health, employees automatically improve their personal wellbeing, which leads to collective wellbeing at work.

Why you should invest in Workplace Health Promotion (WHP)?

Work can have a positive impact on our health and wellbeing. Healthy and well-motivated employees can have an equally positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of a business.

A well-implemented WHP programme has the following impacts:

  • improved working environment
  • decrease in absenteeism
  • lower employee turnover
  • greater staff retention
  • improvement of the company’s image
  • strengthening competitiveness
  • boosting productivity

this impacts 

  • the Staff health and wellbeing
  • the Staff engagement and satisfaction
  • the Staff recruitment and retention
  • the Product and Service Quality
  • the Customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • the Image branding

and at the same time reducing

  • Stress
  • Sickness absence rates
  • Social security penalty payments
  • Staff turnover
  • Recruitment costs
  • Agency cover costs

Assisting companies in installing health and wellbeing promotion activities, often leads to put in place a “health and wellbeing” charter, leaving the possibility to each team to specify their own individual needs. 

“Employee engagement is the art and science of engaging people in authentic and recognized connections to strategy, roles, performance, organization, community, relationship, customers, development, energy, and happiness to leverage, sustain, and transform work into results.”

– David Zinger, Let’s Co-Create an Employee Engagement Charter, The Employee Engagement Network

54% of fully engaged employees say they have no plans to leave their organisation, compared to 13% of disengaged employees.

Business Benefits of Employee Engagement, People and Organisations @ Work, British Psychological Society

Research by Gallup reveals that employees who are engaged with their work exhibit lower turnover, higher sales growth, better productivity, better customer loyalty and other manifestations of superior performance. The more engaged employees are, the greater their belief that they make a measurable contribution to customer satisfaction, product or service quality and cost effectiveness.

Engagement is one of the five elements of Well-being theory. The other four elements are pleasant/positive emotions, meaning, relationships and accomplishments. When we talk about engagement and well-being at work we think of questions like: What means work for you? What satisfactions does it bring? How involved are you in your work? What motivates your involvement?

Moreover, we are moving from a money economy toward a satisfaction economy and in different organisations leaders ask how they can attract and keep motivated and smart employees. The challenges are even higher with the new generations coming into the work force. Our entire relationship with work will change with the artificial intelligence evolution in the sense that humans will naturally look for meaning and interest in their activity.

The level of an employee’s psychological investment in their work and organisation can show the employee efficiency, performance, engagement, motivation etc but also his/her risk of burnout or absenteeism if the organisation is not providing the right environment.

We are tackling these themes in our trainings and coachings by supporting the organisations we work with to create the right environment offering options to their employees to enjoy their work experience.

Themes: Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, Valuation, Connection, Inclusion, Diversity, Flow

Reference: Seligman, M. E. (2011). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York: Free Press.

“I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don’t do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.”

– Michael Jordan

Performance is a concept we can use in different contexts: artistic, business, investment, engineering, sport and of course work. Most of the time in work environment we talk about performance review or performance assessments, also we might think of career development, bonus, profit and/or competitiveness.

In terms of well-being at work, we take the perspective of performance as a combination of using one’s natural talents/strengths with learning, mastery, growth in terms of competences as well as mindset and development towards one’s potential in the framework of a team and/or an organisation. The key is the balance between already achieved skills and competences and further growth in a healthy organic manner. Therefore, we support leaders, managers, employees and self employed in their role as performers with the view of generating “action that can achieve desirable outcomes in the world and within themselves” (Spence,2016, p.12)

When training or coaching this combination of reaching potential, stretching, going out of comfort zone, developing, we always add the constant focus on the wellbeing for oneself and for the others around.

Themes: Self-determined Motivation, Creativity, Flow, Mindset, Work-life Balance, Organisational Structure, Time Management, Optimism, Emotional Intelligence, Self-efficiency

Reference: Spence, G. (2016). Coaching for optimal functioning. In Nieuwerburgh, C.V. Coaching in professional contexts (pp. 11-25). London: SAGE Publications.

“Given the right circumstances, from no more than dreams, determination, and the liberty to try, quite ordinary people consistently do extraordinary things.”

– Dee Hock

Career development is a strategy where both employer and employee meet their efforts. The employee comes with his/her strengths, talents, skills, know how wanting to develop them further in order to bring added value to the company and in the same time enhancing his employability. On the other side, the employer wants to give the opportunity to the employees to develop and grow, to motivate them to stay loyal to the company and, of course, efficient.

In an ever fast changing environment it is difficult for both to have a long term plan and vision but it is clear that adapting, growing and developing at the professional as well as soft skills level remains a priority for both the employee and the employer. Career development is where the success and the mission of the company is strongly linked to the success and the life mission of the employees.

Career development relies on both parties to engage in the process and negotiate their outcomes. It includes generational preferences (career flexibility, technology, work-life balance, team work, recognition etc) and generational interactions as well as blended learning (on the job, formal, online, soft and hard skills etc) or development of expert skills or leadership skills.

We are often asked to assist with individual coaching in finding the right career path especially for young people that enter the market as well for people over 40, who decided to change their career path. Candidates for interviews come to us for preparing a perfect presentation and first impression behaviours.

Themes: Strengths, Competences, Strategy, Network and relationships, Motivation, Resilience, Life-work balance, Promotion, Expertise

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities”

– Stephen Covey

DIVERSITY is a topic that is becoming more and more prominent on Leadership agendas. But why is it so important?

The business case for Diversity is convincing: various studies have shown that diverse companies are more successful. For example, the 2015 DiversityInc report showed that the 50 companies which had the most diversity also outperformed the market. These companies had better corporate governance and created opportunities for innovation.[1] All the same, most companies do not yet display diversity at the tops of their organisations.

Diversity is important because diversity of thought leads to better decisions and increased innovation, reducing “Groupthink”.

Organizations can consider many dimensions of diversity: gender, race, ethnic group, religion, age, LGBT, and disability.

Diversity of thought is an important staple in Organizational Culture, creating an environment where “outside-the-box” ideas are heard. When minorities form a critical mass and leaders value differences, compelling ideas have a chance of being followed through.

“If you have a brain, you are biased”

– David Rock, Neuroleadership Institute

As humans, we tend to favour those who are similar to us. It’s simply the way our reptile brain works. While many may consider themselves open-minded and open to diversity, few have taken the time to explore their own subconscious preferences which guide their everyday and business decisions.

Biases come to play when making a decision between two options which are similar, i.e. choosing between two employees with similar track records and qualifications. In order to foster a climate of true Diversity which drives Innovation, it’s important that leaders become aware of their own decision-making triggers.

Diversity of thought is an important staple in Organisational Culture, creating an environment where “outside-the-box” ideas are heard. When minorities form a critical mass and leaders value differences, compelling ideas have a chance of being followed through.

In order to survive in today’s economy and in the future, corporations have to think about the recruitment and retention of current and future talent, i.e. Generations Y and Z. These generations have a unique position in the labour market and their needs may be different to what traditional corporations are used to, but cannot be ignored.

We develop custom-made leadership development trainings that will enable your leaders to shape a diversified working environment. With our trainings and workshops, your organisation will be well-equipped to deal with the challenges of the current and future economic climate.

Themes: Gender balance, Diversity, Inclusion