The following questions concern your feelings about your job during the last year (If you have been on this job for less than a year, this concerns the entire time you have been at this job). Please select how true each of the following statements is for you, given your experiences on your job. Be sure that we won't disclose any specific or personal information to any third-parties. This quiz is strictly confidential and is used for overall statistics.
I feel like I can make a lot of inputs to deciding how my job gets done.
I really like the people I work with.
I do not feel very competent when I am at work.
People at work tell me I am good at what I do.
I feel pressured at work.
I get along with people at work.
I pretty much keep to myself when I am at work.
I am free to express my ideas and opinions on the job.
I consider the people I work with to be my friends.
I have been able to learn interesting new skills on my job.
When I am at work, I have to do what I am told.
Most days I feel a sense of accomplishment from working.
My feelings are taken into consideration at work.
On my job I do not get much of a chance to show how capable I am.
People at work care about me.
There are not many people at work, that I am close to.
I feel like I can pretty much be myself at work.
The people I work with do not seem to like me much.
When I am working I often do not feel very capable.
There is not much opportunity for me to decide for myself how to go about my work.
People at work are pretty friendly towards me.
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